Monday, October 20, 2008

You can check out our website at Anderson Cooper 360...

Yeah I'm sure you all know about Anderson Cooper and the rest of the "best political team on T.V.", but seriously what do you think of this guy? Sure, he's young and fresh (sort of), and he definitely has the right amount of charisma to be on primetime every night but does anyone not feel that CNN has gotten just a little too caught up with themselves? What am I saying, I love CNN and all their cool features, however biased they may be in favour of the left. I especially love all their cool little features, like that one they showed last night, "Joe Biden Revealed".

But you know the election is coming up soon, and now people are asking, "Who will it be? Obama or McCain? Biden or Palin?" As it is now, I believe Obama is leading in the polls with like a six percent lead or something like that. Now I don't want to go off alienating the few people who do visit here (haha!), but I really prefer Obama to McCain. Ok so first off, I don't really consider myself conservative at all, and would probably be leaning a bit more to the left instead. However I'm not like some crazy liberal like NDP-liberal, those guys are like too extreme for me, so yeah I think Obama is the better choice in this election. Why? Well it's pretty obvious to me - hes what, almost thirty years younger than McCain? He's a fresh face in Washington, hes go lots of room to improve and he won't rush the US into another war like the Bush administration did. As for McCain, there's no denying that hes a patriot that served his country for many years during the Vietnam War (I think), but the simple fact is he's kind of old and jokes about bombing Iran. Like wtf.

Ok so about the mudslinging - I think it's all unecessary. Especially how McCain's camp consistently tries to label Obama as some kind of terrorist and attaching a negative connotation to him because of his past association with Ayers. Yes, Ayers was involved in a terrorist organizations but those bombings occurred when Obama was what, like eight? And the right still believes this is a legit way of categorizing Obama? Although Obama's side has thrown it's fair share of mud... I think... maybe? I can't think of any examples right now.

And finally the VPs. I really like Joe Biden, I really do. You're probably thinking "You just railed on McCain for being old, but Biden is old too!" Well yeah but he has this crazy smile and he actually looks kind of cool. OK LOL my bias is apparent, but too bad so sad. And plus it's easy to tell that Biden is sincere, especially after seeing him almost come to tears on TV after reading a segment of his book concerning his first wife's death, which is kind of sad. I also like Sarah Palin, although she has certainly drawn ALOT of fire from the media and the left concerning things like how she was the mayor of a town of eight thousand, her autistic child, her pregnant daughter, corrupt spending in Alaska etc. Although I don't think she should be getting bashed as much as she is. I mean she's also young just like Obama, and I think she has room to improve as well. Yeah Tina Fey is the best.

Ok so just like two weeks before the election I got some clips from YouTube that you might wanna look at:

John McCain Gets BarackRoll'd (haha!)
Barack Obama Bloopers
John McCain's ads are lies.

There's a whole bunch more but I'm lazy, goodnight.


p.s. Happy belated to Quixotic : )


Anonymous said...

Down sydrome child , u mean??

kamster said...

yeee my bad
Personally, when people are like "She might not do such a good job as a mother , how can she balance being the VP of the greatest nation in the world and being the mother of a special needs child?" i feel thats kind of personal, although they have a point. i mean if I was a parent of a special needs kid I would feel the need to take extra time or whatever.... yeuh