Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

I read an article in the Jan 17th edition of the Toronto star about this revolutionary new product called "Mind Aerobics", created by The New You Enterprises. This new technology - apparently based off of extensive research studies undertaken since the seventies - plays a certain "carrier frequency" as you listen to a CD or tape of soothing nature and instrumental music. These special frequencies are supposed to stimulate your brain into one of three different wave states - alpha, theta or delta. Apparently, in the lives of people like us, our brains are constantly in the beta wave state; that is, one side of our brain (left or right) is dominant over the other, and so we feel stress and anxiety. When our two brain-halves work together, they claim, we will experience greater peace of mind and a sense of well-being. The alpha state is one of relaxed focus. Seems ironic eh? But apparently, the CD can put you into this state of "light meditation" in which you will be relaxed, yet have the capacity to focus intensely on the task at hand. The other two states, theta and delta, are even deeper levels of meditation, where one reaches and communicates with the "collective unconscious", the sort of thingy-thing where the unconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions of all manking meet and manifest themselves in energy that we feel while in this state. The whole point of this new technology is to allow people to reach states of relaxation and concentration that normally wouldn't be accessible except through ten to fifteen years of intense training in the ancient art of meditation. These tracks also claim to be able to"Stimulate the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a high-performance state scientists call "whole brain functioning"…", among other things.

Companies like The New You Enterprises have created CD series such as "Mind Aerobics" that they say will help people get to these kind of, psychedelic, chill-out sort of states of mind. When I heard this, it seemed like a bunch of rubbish. It is a well known fact, however, that these brain states - beta, alpha, theta and delta - do in fact exist (I actually went to this place once where they actually put sensors on my head and measured these waves), and that chemicals like endorphin (that this Holosync technologies claims to be able to induce creation of) act as natural pain-killers and stress relievers. So I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be just amazing if I could just chill out for once, just by listening to this CD?" And so, I just had to get myself a copy of these mystical soundtracks for myself. I originally wanted to get Mind Aerobics, but I realized that there are several other companies out there that market the same Holosync technology tracks. And so, I settled on the Holosync (by Centerpointe Research Institute), mostly because it showed up higher on the Google search than Mind Aerobics.

If you'd like to find out how to*get* a copy of these tracks for yourself, leave me a comment and I will try to help you out.



p.s. Haven't really tested these out yet, will write again when I have. Hopefully it works =P


Anonymous said...

I read the same article and was left in amazement, can it be that easy, and amuzement, I'll be a sucker and give it a try (without my spouse knowing). I have yet to receive my order of the Mind Aerobic CD's. However, I am truly curious of the effects. Have you given this a try yet, if so, what are your thoughts. Or dare I ask.