If you've ever read this blog before, you'll know that I often start off my posts with a "So I've been really busy lately..." (indeed, I'm doing it right now!), as an excuse to explain why I've been to lazy to blog. In actuality, I'm usually not as busy as I say I am, and instead am doing something like reading EncyclopediaDramatica articles or checking my email in lieu of blogging.
This time however, I really have been soooooooooooooooooo busy the past while. If you are or ever were enrolled in any educational institution in north america (or any other place in the world) you'll know that now and the weeks before and after the end of May ar
e the busiest of the entire year. High school students have "exam week", entailing endless hours of preparatory cramming and college and university students are also wrapping up their exams, although they may still have some to finish at this point.

I am no exception. These past few days I have been absolutely cramming, staying up to finish those last couple bars (composing... wtf) or sentances, or getting those long biology terms firmly engrained in my mind. And it really sucks. I'm just looking forward to the annual visit to Centre Island and finally some respite from all this work.
I also saw Iron Man and Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo B
ay this past weekend, two fantastic movies. The first, of course is based on the famous Marvel comic written by Stan Lee ages ago... the movie directed by Jon Favreau and starring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, the multi-billionaire weapons tycoon who becomes Iron Man through the course of this film. As an action film it's a success... I don't have too much to criticize it for. Actually I really loved the music... not the track by Black Sabbath but theme... it's so catchy!!!oneone11!1!!

Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay was a pretty hilarious movie too. It concerns two stoners who get mistakenly labeled as terrorists on their way to the pot-legal city of Amsterdam. They of course are sent to Guantanamo Bay but promptly escape. Oddly enough, the section of the movie in which they are actually in or around guantanamo bay is very short, I'd say less than 10 minutes. The large part of the movie follows their exploits as they search out some uncle in Texas (I think?) who can get them passports or whatever so they don't need to continue leaving lives of fear. Hehe. This movie is full of laughs but is also pretty crude (although, it's not that much worse than Superbad, considering what has become acceptable in today's media)... expect lots of profanity, racism and general hilarity. OH AND Neil Patrick Harris is in it too! OMG NEIL PATRICK HARRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
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