Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Market Your Content Today

If you are a blogger/artist/animator that produces fresh, interesting content on a regular basis and want to get your stuff noticed, you need to read this.

Buzzfuse* is a new content marketing and discovery system that allows bloggers and innovators like you or I publish material on their site which in turn gets spread around the web and viewed by other Buzzfuse* members and site visitors. I recently signed up for Buzzfuse* as I also want to get Up the Ante exposed as much as possible (thank you to all my readers out there, I love you!). With Buzzfuse*, it is super simple. What do you need to do?

Visit and sign up in just 2 steps: Give them your email address (a confirmation email will be sent to make sure its really you) and then give a little bit of information like your name, and you're done! You are now a proud member of Buzzfuse* and well on your way to driving more and more traffic on your blog!

Now, depending on what kind of stuff interests you, there are three different ways to publish your content. For audio or photos, simply upload your files. For flash media or blog posts, you'll need to install a small section of code (html or flash) into your content to make it Buzzfuse* ready. From there, Buzzfuse* will spread the word (that is their motto, after all) about your content and drive traffic to your blog! Additionally, if you've got great content that people are interested in, you have potential to earn some cool, hard cash with Buzzfuse* too!

This really is a great site, and what's best is that they will never spam you. So keep on using Buzzfuse* to promote your material... what have you got to lose?

This post sponsored by Buzzfuse*.
