Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wet Grass

Ahh... spring is just about upon us. With the end of summer, we see rivers of melt water streaming from beneath miniature icebergs on the sides of roads and pidgeons walking about in the snow. Even though spring cleaning is still a ways off, at least now we've got something to look forward.

Spring is sort of like... waking up from a long sleep. You're kind of stiff and your bones creak when you first get up, but it feels great. It feels fresh, it feels like... a totally new day. With this, I think I should try some new stuff. Like changing how I go through my days and how I interact with people and stuff. I know its a bit late (New Years resolutions are long gone and broken) but better late than never, right?

A few updates: I posted my new site-wide disclosure policy a few minutes ago and have added a link to it in the sidebar. As well, I have created a new section called "My Pages" for my friends' blogs and other stuff, like my disclosure policy, in the right sidebar instead of dumping all my links into the connect section.

Like what you see? Or no? Drop me a line!
