Saturday, December 6, 2008

What goes around...


Thank you all who have stayed with me these years and faithfully visited Up the Ante, never losing faith in my abilities to impress and amaze. Thank you to all who continued to check back through the times of infrequent posting and when I started blabbering on. Thank you to all who donated money and time to my cause and -

Ok no. What am I, Sarah Palin? Or something? PALIN FOR PRESIDENT YEAAA. Haha but she is dead and over, the inauguration is coming up!
And so is Christmas. For some reason, Chrismas music gets me really down... especially like, Kenny G. He is really talented but his musing tunes are just too much. Although I know I should be really happy too. Christmas is that time of year when I should be looking foward to the next year, looking forward to giving and recieving heartfelt tokens of love and gratitude, and maybe a warm cup of hot chocolate. I still have lots of holiday shopping left to do, although I can take comfort in the fact that we have no such Black Fridays here in Canada... at least not the extent that they exist in America (although retailers have been trying to create such a day here for years now). Anyways, my tip for all you... students out there: buy Second Cup hot chocolate for your buddies this year. I know, you're probably thinking I'm one of those crazy dudes who loves to stand in Second Cup and admire their sexy and pricy stuff like mugs and crap which is really expensive just because of the name. But no. I just love how those little cyclinders of packaged hot chocolate mix are so cute and they come in four flavours, too, only $7.95!
I think I'll buy some tea too.


kkgh said...

It makes you sad?! Whyyyyy