Friday, January 25, 2008

Ants in your Eye

Funny how your perception of things continually changes. As you grow older and wiser, things you thought to be untrue turn out to be... true. But not the things that some of you older people might think.

I used to wonder why people complain about sleeping with the lights on. Previously, I always felt that sleeping with the lights on was fine. I mean, if you keep your eyes closed, you'll fall asleep just as quickly with the lights on as with the lights off, right? Well... not really. Yesterday I was sooooo... tired. And when you're that tired, trying to sleep with the lights on is like having needles shot into your eyeball. It really, really HURTS! It's funny these things that you only realize when you get to that point in your life when you start getting tired enough to realize these things.


It's amazing how interesting genetics can be. Like how two brown haired parents can have a blond baby. And how whether or not you can taste sodium benzoate is determine by a few, insignificant genes in your DNA. It really made me wonder if, sometime in the near future, people might be picking and choose what traits they want their kid to have, like in that StarTrek episode when that mother removes this ridge on her unborn child's forehead by pressing a button. This of course raises many moral questions... Is it ok to decide whether a child will be, say, black or white? I don't know. Maybe people will make millions of this new technology of removing or adding genes at will. But the age-old saying holds true. For some, ignorance will be bliss.
